venerdì 16 febbraio 2024

Apostolate of the Green Scapular 

Healing from Pornography I decided to expand my discussion on porn to assist those who are entrapped by this evil addiction and to be able to get away from the deadly sin of Lust. Jesus taught me the best way to break away from this deadly sin is by what He revealed to me. This addiction is caused by demonic bondage! Meaning, demons attach to a man or woman who view any pornography. To understand how the Lord allows us to endure entrapment in our own sins, we need to review Sacred Scripture to understand how demonic spirits are involved in all things that we sin. Sacred Scriptures teaches us that whatever we sin, demons will attach to us and torment us. If you look at any pornography, then pornography demons will attach to you and it will take a great deal of work to get rid of these demonic spirits. You need to understand what the Lord reveals about ANY sins we commit, and the consequences of our committing them. THE LORD TEACHES US THE AFFECTS OF OUR SINS Wisdom 11:17-27 (Scripture taken from the Douay-Rheims Bible): 17. “That they might know that by what things a man sinneth, by the same also he is tormented. 18. For Thy almighty Hand, which made the world of matter without form, was not unable to send upon them a multitude of bears, or fierce lions. 19. Or unknown beasts of a new kind, full of rage: either breathing out a fiery vapor, or sending forth a stinking smoke, or shooting horrible sparks out of their eyes: 20. Whereof not only the hurt might be able to destroy them, but also the very sight might kill them through fear. 21. Yea and without these, they might have been slain with one blast persecuted by their own deeds and scattered by the breath of Thy power; but Thou hast ordered all things in measure, and number, and weight. 22. For great power always belonged to Thee alone: and who shall resist the strength of Thy arm? 23. For the whole world before thee is as the least rain of the balance, and as a drop of the morning dew, that falleth down upon the earth: 24. But Thou hast mercy upon all, because Thou canst do all things, and overlookest the sins of men for the sake of repentance. 25. For Thou lovest all things that are, and hatest none of the things which thou hast made: for thou didst not appoint, or make any thing hating it. 26. And how could any thing endure if Thou wouldst not? Or be preserved, if not called by Thee. 27. But thou sparest all: because they are Thine, O Lord, who lovest souls.” It is important to break down this Scripture so that you can fully understand what it means: In verse 17, we are told that whatever we sin against the Lord, whatever sins we commit, we will be tormented by demons. Demonic spirits are fallen angels and they know every Word of holy Scriptures. So they are the evil entities that torment us. Apostolate of the Green Scapular Page 2 In verse 18, we are reminded that Almighty God’s holy Hand made the entire world, without any form but through His own Divine Will. Almighty God was able to send upon us sinners a multitude of demons referred as “bears, or fierce lions.” In verse 19: We are told that there are also “unknown beasts of a new kind”, wicked demons that are unknown to us. We are told these demons are “full of rage”, certainly they hate good Christians who are trying to serve our Lord Jesus. A description of these demons are further described: “either breathing out a fiery vapor or sending forth a stinking smoke or shooting horrible sparks out of their eyes”. In verse 20: These demons that have attached to us can and does kill us! Demons torment, they are relentless and will not give up until they take you to hell or try to take you to hell. These demons can also kill us through our own fears. If we could see all the demons attached to us because of our sins, we would go into shock and die of a heart attack. In verse 21: Scripture tries to tell us that because of our sinning against the Lord, we may have been slain or killed with one blast from our Lord, persecuted and punished by our own sinful deeds or actions, and scattered by the Breath of our Heavenly Father’s power. Yet, Scripture tells us that the Lord has ordered all things in “measure, and number, and weight”. The Lord’s mercy is so great, that He allows us to be tormented by demons according to His will. Measure: represents that the level of sin we have committed, we will be tormented. If we commit a mortal sin, then a demon of that same measure will attach to us. Since there are nine Choirs of Holy Angels and one-third of them fell from grace, there are now nine choirs of demons. These demons, like the Holy Angels, are either from the Seraphim, Cherubim, Dominions, Powers, Thrones, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. We know that that the Cherubim were very small as depicted on the Ark of the Covenant. But Angels and Archangels are very large. Number: represents the number of demons that can attach to us. St. Mark describes a Legion of demons in St. Mark 5:9: “And he asked him: What is thy name? And he saith to him: My name is Legion, for we are many.” (see St. Mark 5:1-16) This tells us that up to a 1,000 demons (called a Legion) can be attached us. Weight: represents the physiological weight. Since Cherubim are small, they do not weigh much. But the Angels and Archangels are very large, so they are heavier when they attach to our body. In verse 22: Scripture states about our Lord: “For great power always belonged to Thee alone: and who shall resist the strength of Thy arm?” Almighty God and Father is the Alpha and Omega! His power and authority is perfect justice and mercy. The Lord is described further in the next few versus. In verse 23: We read: “For the whole world before Thee is as the least rain of the balance, and as a drop of the morning dew, that falleth down upon the earth:” In verse 24: “But Thou hast mercy upon all, because Thou canst do all things, and overlookest the sins of Apostolate of the Green Scapular Page 3 men for the sake of repentance. Sacramental Confession is mandatory to get rid of demonic spirits attached to us. Yet, even if we go to Confession, but are still tempted by pornography then you have not been successful in confessing ALL the pornographic images that you viewed, so not all the demons have been commanded to leave you during your Sacramental Confession. I will explain this more completely further down. In verse 25: “For Thou lovest all things that are, and hatest none of the things which thou hast made: for thou didst not appoint, or make any thing hating it.” In verse 26: “And how could any thing endure if Thou wouldst not? Or be preserved, if not called by Thee.” In verse 27: “But thou sparest all: because they are Thine, O Lord, who lovest souls.” Here we read about the love that the Lord has for us. We are His children and He is our God and He loves us. This is reason for the Lord not to destroy evil people who do wicked things. GETTING RID OF PORNOGRAPHY DEMONS FOR GOOD What Jesus has shown me is that we need to repent for each and every sin we ever committed. If you looked at 10 porn images, then you need to repent for each one. If you have looked at 100 porn images, then you MUST repent for all 100 images you looked at. Each image you look at has an assigned demonic spirit that will attach to you just because you viewed the porn image. So by looking at 100 porn images, you then have 100 demons attached to you, to your body! Step One: The best way to achieve healing from each porn demon is to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament either in the Chapel or before the Lord’s Tabernacle in the Church. Ask the Holy Spirit to unlock your conscious and unconscious mind so that you can recall each image one at a time. Step Two: Ask Jesus to show you each pornographic image that must be confessed. As soon as Jesus shows you a porn image, immediately hand it to Jesus Christ. Step Three: Ask Jesus to forgive you for looking at that porn image in the first place! To have mercy on you for your sinful behavior. Repent to the Lord and ask Him to purge that evil porn image from you once and for all. Then thank Jesus for His mercy. Step Four: Continue this process over and over again. For every single image you have looked at, you must hand it to Jesus and ask Jesus to purge it from your conscious and unconscious memory forever. Step Five: You now must go to Sacramental Confession! Confess, confess and confess how many images you looked at, how many images Jesus showed you and you asked Him to purge from your memory. If you still have not been completely set free from viewing pornographic images, then you have an aggravated demonic bondage issue. You must completely REPENT from all porn images but any actions you committed by looking at those images, such as: Masturbation, must also be repented for! Apostolate of the Green Scapular Page 4 ** AGGRAVATED PORNOGRAPHY DEMONS ** Masturbation is a sin, in case you didn’t know that. If you have masturbated, pleasured yourself while looking at any pornographic images, then you have a case of aggravated pornography demons. You must confess this behavior during Sacramental Confession before these wicked masturbation demons will leave you. You should go through the process of handing these wicked images AND your performing masturbation while looking at these images to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament before going to Sacramental Confession. Results In Being Set Free From Porn Demons During the process of giving Jesus all the pornographic images, and truly repenting to Him for your viewing these images; you should begin feeling these demonic spirits leaving you. These demons will be commanded by Jesus Christ to depart from you! That is the result of our repentance to the Lord for sinning against Him. During this process, you can feel five or ten pounds of weight leaving from behind your back or neck area. The demons come from different fallen Choirs of Angels, they have different sizes so they weigh differently. The numbers of demons that will leave you in based upon your level of repentance and pleading to Jesus to save you and to save your marriage (for those who are married). SACRAMENTAL MARRIAGES ARE RUINED FROM PORNOGRAPHY Be assured that the demons who have attached to any one will make a man or woman impotent! These demons will destroy a marriage and make having any sexual encounter distorted with various forms of forbidden relations in the Eyes of God such as: Oral Sex (blow job) or Anal Sex. Demons will do anything to destroy the Sacramental Marriage, which results in traumatized children living a life with divorced parents. How painful it is for children having to endure this terrible cross at a young age. NEEDING MORE HELP? If you believe you cannot get all these demons off of your body, then maybe you can contact me at the Apostolate of the Green Scapular. I will do my best to call you back when I have the time. I will call you with a blocked phone number but if you do not answer, I will try to call back at a specific time and let you know when the next call will be placed. Please begin your healing process with ordering your own “free” blessed Green Scapular Kit and writing your own name on it. You just need to write your first name on it, Jesus knows and loves you deeply. You can contact us via email at: or visit our website at: You can go to the “Contact” page and order your own “free” blessed Green Scapular Kit there. God bless you and keep fighting evil with prayers

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