giovedì 7 luglio 2016

WARNING GRAPHIC: Muslim Terrorists Capture Woman And Rape Her In Front Of Her Husband And Three Children

WARNING GRAPHIC: Muslim Terrorists Capture Woman And Rape Her In Front Of Her Husband And Three Children, They Then Take A Rope, Wrap It Around Her Neck And Strangle Her To Death.

Muslims in Afghanistan — all members of the Taliban — captured a woman and raped her in front of her husband and three children. They then took a rope and strangled her to death with it. According to one Afghan report:

In a shocking incident, a woman has been raped in front of her family members by Taliban militants before she was executed in northern Badakhshan province, officials said Saturday.

The incident happened overnight in Wardoj district’s Tirgaran village where Taliban recently seized a key police base.

Lal Muhammad Ahmad Zai, a spokesman for provincial police, explained that the victim was raped in front of her husband and their three children. She was hanged to death then, he added.

It was not immediately clear what provoked the act.