domenica 24 agosto 2014

Muay Boran in Italy.

Muay Thai is a Martial Art born in Thailand.

From art of war used exclusively in the battleground it has evolved during the course of time as to be known all over the world as a fighting sport inside a ring following approved rules.

The union of the Thai people has also joined everything that was traditional and fused his fighting style in a single name and assigning a common name "Muay Boran". So the term Muay Boran Thai people define what is old.

Subsequently, over the centuries, were laid out three main stylistic currents of the Regions, Chaya, Korat and Lobpuri, which gave rise to the styles Muay Chaya, Muay Korat and Muay Lobpuri.  
The Muay Chaya that some teachers call "Muay Thai Boran Chaya" has become famous for its effectiveness and for the big screen. 
The combat systems have been handed down through generations by the masters Thai following strict rules of sanctity and till today  continue evolution fascinating to Westerners for their effectiveness and their spectacular. 
The epic battles described in the books of history and in the national monuments testify the courage of a people that with the use of the Muay Thai bravely struggled for saving their own land.

The Muay Thai belongs therefore to Thai people as emperors and gladiators belong to the history of Rome.

The Ministry of Sports and Culture of Thailand  gave a special task to Grand Master Woody to disseminate and regulate the Muay Boran in the world with the ability to graduate both  students and teachers with certificates and diplomas recognized at an  international level.

Since there are many practitioners of this martial art who are not enrolled in Kru Muay Thai Association Grand Master Woody has decided to entrust Master José Maria Spampinato for Italy to reorganize the position of practitioners who wish to refer to Kru Muay Thai Association, the only federation recognized at the international level, through a regular registration under federal organisms and the verification of their technical training level.

Those people who desire to ascertain their own position and verify their own registration can refer to the page

Among them the athletes that are interested in regularizing their own position and registration under the one and only Federation of Muay Boran recognized to an international level,  can apply for it to Master Jose Maria Spampinato, showing their name, degree and training center.

For those people that intend to approach Muay Boran and do not have any preceding experiences, some formative courses will be established in accord with the Central Federation located in Thailand and that will allow  the students to achieve the so-called base levels.

To limit and prevent the diffusion of fake federations awarding certifications and diplomas that do not possess any juridical value despite consistent sums of money to be paid for, it has been necessary for the top management of the Central Federation of Thailand to effect some important verifications and adopt the opportune corrective actions.

In addition we must point out  that to the members such Associations that are not joined to Kru Muay Thai Association will be interdicted to take part in the international events , competitions and stages in Thailand.

The events and international competitions  held in Thailand and the stages held by Thai teachers that will expressly come to Italy to show live the techniques of the Muay Boran and Muay Chaya  are in fact reserved only to the members of Kru Muay Thai Association.

M° Josè Maria Spampinato

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